We need Volunteers for 2021 2022!
Volunteers are critical to the operations and guest experience at the Railway Museum of British Columbia and the West Coast Railway Association.
You can be part of the fun! As we move through 2021 and continue to operate our facilities with a skeleton crew of staff, Volunteerism is even more important than ever in keeping our facilities running and available for the general public.
Volunteer for the North Pole Express!
The Executive team and staff are super excited to be putting on the North Pole Express this year. As you may be aware the winter event is one of the largest fundraising events the museum hosts, and it requires a lot of hands. We would love for our members to be a part of this event too.
If you’re 13+, have had both of your Covid-19 vaccinations, and have holiday joy to share and are interested in volunteering for the North Pole Express please let us know! We have many positions including helping with our various activities as well as some volunteer support roles as well.
Please email Chrissy at volunteer@wcra.org and she will be in touch.
2022 Season
If you are interested in volunteering in 2022, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator at: volunteer@wcra.org
We are looking for volunteers in the following sub categories:
- Saturday Museum Interpreters
- Major Events, such as Day out with Thomas, The North Pole Express
- Restorations and Construction
- Saturday Food Services
- Railway Operations
We are also building and updating old lists so if you have any interest in being contacted about volunteering please reach out to us via email or by phone at 604-898-9336 We will be hosting a spring volunteer orientation lunch once we get closer to opening. Please watch the Web site for updates!